Collective Bargaining

The District has established this website to keep the community informed on collective bargaining with the Soap Lake School District employees who are represented by labor unions. The Soap Lake Education Association (SLEA) represents teachers and other certificated positions; the Soap Lake Educational Support Personnel (SLESP) represents classified positions including bus drivers, cooks, custodians, paraeducators, and secretaries.
Information on these webpages provide an archive on the bargaining teams’ efforts to date to reach agreement on the renewal of union contracts:
  • The current SLEA bargaining agreement runs through August 31, 2024.
  • The current SLESP bargaining agreement runs through August 31, 2024.

2024 SLEA Bargaining

Initial bargaining opened, and the Association and District both shared initial proposals. Tentative agreement reached on two sub-sections. The next meeting is scheduled for July 18.
The Association and District both shared additional proposals. The next meeting is scheduled for August 2nd.
The Association and District both shared counter proposals. The next meeting is scheduled for August 14th.
The Association and District met and discussed the district's counter proposal. The next meeting is scheduled for August 16th
The Association and District met and discussed the district's counter proposal. The next meeting is scheduled for August 23rd.


2024 SLESP Bargaining

Initial bargaining opened, and the Association shared an initial proposal. The next meeting is scheduled for August 2nd.
The Association and District met and discussed proposals. The next meeting is scheduled for August 19th.